Diversity must not be an add-on
📅 22.06.21 ⌚ 6pm 📌 Online 💬 German


When talking about "societal challenges", this often means the challenges of the majority society. Marginalised groups of people are simply not taken into account when finding solutions. Does this term exist because there is a shortage of staff in some sectors or is there really a will to give away power behind it? 

In the Talk, Victoria Kure-Wu and Ilona Stuetz talk about what diversity means and why it should not just be a "bonus" in the development of hardware and software. And about the project ichbinkeinvirus.org, which was developed as part of the #WirVsVirus Hackathon in March 2020 and was rejected in all funding rounds, but still went live in summer 2020. Feedback on the project at the time included that the code was not "valuable" enough to be funded and racism was something to worry about "later".

Afterwards, everyone is invited to a discussion. Victoria and Ilona share their perspectives and why it is difficult to put off issues of discrimination or racism in or through technology until later, and also look forward to your thoughts and an exchange following the talk.

Speakers: Ilona Stuetz and Victoria Kure-Wu know each other as @ilo_ul and @kateboss5000 from the internet. Ilona Stuetz lives in Austria. She works on diversity, digitalisation, art education and education; most recently for projects such as Jugend hackt, hello world and for Ars Electronica in Linz. Victoria Kure-Wu is a user experience designer in Berlin and knows that diverse teams produce better results. She is the initiator of www.ichbinkeinvirus.org and is committed to educational justice with Schülerpaten Deutschland.

In cooperation with: Verschwörhaus .

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