1. Open antiracist reading circle
📅 from 26.10.22 every 2nd Wednesday ⌚ 7.30 - 9 pm 📌 Ulmer Volkshochschule, Kornhausplatz 5, 89073 Ulm 💬 German/English

We are starting an open anti-racist reading circle!

In the fall / winter of 2022/23, we will read together the book "Grenzenlos und unverschämt" by Afro-German poet, activist and educator May Ayim (1960-1996).

We'll get started on Wednesday, 10/26/22 at 7:30pm.

- Book: May Ayim, Grenzenlos und unverschämt, Unrast Verlag 2021, 192 pages.
- Location: Ulmer Volkshochschule
- Time:
  - Every 2nd Wednesday 7:30 - 9 p.m.
  - Dates: 10/26/22, 11/9, 11/23, 12/7, [holiday], 01/11/23, 01/25, 02/08, [holiday], 03/01.
    12/21, 01/04 and 02/22 are cancelled due to holidays.
- Target group: open (more below)
- free of charge
- Language: Texts are in German, conversations can also take place in English

Transparency note: The person who mainly organizes the reading circle is white.


Ideas for the schedule

The first meeting is for the book introduction and to get to know each other. Since we are doing the reading circle without registration, we will see how our group is composed at the first meeting. At the end we will decide together how many pages we want to read next time.
The second meeting is the beginning of the reading circle itself. From then on we can discuss what we have read. Within the reading circle, there will be no set topics or leadership. We will look quite freely at what thoughts and feelings come up and decide together what we want to talk about. Of course, the reading circle does not have to focus on just talking, maybe you have another suggestion.
Currently, 8 meetings are planned. At the last meeting we can have a final round where we look back on the book and the weeks.
Even if you can't / don't want to come to one or more meetings, you are welcome. We have plenty of time with 8 dates and the holidays in between. It would be valuable if you could be present at the first meeting.
There is room for feedback, criticism and requests at each meeting. The fclr is organizing a reading circle for the first time and we are grateful for any feedback. You can do that at the meetings as well as (anonymously) at any time via mail, if you feel more comfortable with that (fclr-ulm[at]riseup.net).
In addition, it is important for us to say: We try to create a space that is as discrimination-free as possible, where everyone feels comfortable. However, being racist, heteronormative and just socialized in our society, we cannot always avoid reproducing certain ways of thinking and behaving. Let's try together to be sensitive to different (discrimination) experiences, and make each other aware of them.


Book and author selection

"Black people, especially in Germany but also beyond, are touched by her activist work. May's work is my foundation, our foundation in the now. Our work is the starting and connecting point for those who come after us. And so, like May, we remain, even when we are physically gone."
(translated from the foreword by Josephine Apraku)

The quote reflects the importance of May Ayim. Unfortunately, May Ayim and her work is still too little known.  For this very reason, we at fclr have decided to publish a book by this important Afro-German and would like to get to know her thoughts and convictions better together and thus also receive impulses for necessary social changes. The book also offers the opportunity to question personal attitudes.


Borrow / buy book

In our bookshelf at the University of Ulm we currently have three books available for loan. Interlibrary loan is also possible. Unfortunately, the Stadtbücherei Ulm does not have the book in its selection.
If you want to buy the book, we recommend the local bookstores Aegis and Jastram. You can order online directly from Unrast Verlag. Cost: 14,80€.
If you want to have it digitally, please contact us.


More about the target group

- All interested people
- People with and without racism experiences (*)
- Even though the reading circle is based on a student organization, it is explicitly not meant for students only.
- no previous experience necessary, terms will be explained (upon request)

*We are hosting a reading circle from fclr for the first time. We have chosen to offer it openly to people with and without experience of racism. The book lends itself well to this. We will reflect on how the group is ultimately composed and how that will affect the conversations and dynamics in the reading circle during and after the meetings.
After the reading circle, we will evaluate whether it makes more sense to adjust the target group. One possibility for another reading circle would be to make the offering explicitly for white people. Another possibility would be to see if there is a need to offer a reading circle only for people affected by racism.


What's next?

If this appeals to you, feel free to come by on 10/26.
If you want to participate in the reading circle but can't make the first meeting, send us an email to fclr-ulm[at]riseup.net.


With warm support from the VH Ulm.