The Festival contre le racisme special 2020: 11.07. - 19.07.20

In difficult times, where people demonstrate weekly against current restrictions of our civil rights, but also conspirators and racists try to vie for new supporters, we would like to take the initiative and sensibilize people for a life without supression and racism. A life with solidarity and support for the weak.

Periphal and digital, in accordance with the current Covid-19 restrictions, we want to offer some events to you in summer 2020.

Stay connected with us, we are looking forward to seeing you!



Solidarity now!

Our call for a multicultural society


The festival “contre le racisme Ulm/Neu-Ulm” will take place for the 5th time this year. Even if events are currently only possible to a limited extent, the importance of educating oneself about inhumane ways of thinking and acting is particularly evident during the corona pandemic.

People are currently being increasingly defamed, threatened and attacked as alleged carriers of the corona virus, just because of their appearance. At the same time, people in many places regularly gather for demonstrations against the restriction of fundamental rights, supposedly out of fear of losing democratic rights. Apart from people who are seriously concerned about our democracy, right-wing populists spread their demagogic views and inhuman attitudes at these demonstrations. This way, extremist and racist views are intended to increasingly find their way into social discourse in order to shift the boundaries of what can be said.
Hardly any (media) attention is paid to the situation of refugees on the Turkish-Greek border, in camps on the Greek islands or in reception centres in Germany. However, it is precisely there that many people are forced to live in very confined spaces - without the possibility of keeping their distance, let alone with the means of a functioning health care system.

The virus threatens all people in the world equally


The example of the fugitives shows how divided our society really is - not everyone experiences the same protection or has the same rights and resources at their disposal.

In the current state of emergency, the racist attacks of recent months are also being forgotten: In Christchurch, El Paso and Hanau, the anti-Semitic attack in Halle, the murder of Walter Lübke as well as the racist attack in Schaffnerstraße Ulm and the antiziganist killing attempt in Erbach. These assassinations clearly demonstrate: Racism is a global problem, which also occurs locally in Ulm & Neu-Ulm – even so in times of Corona.
With our events and campaigns, we want to counter racism and work for a community and living together without discrimination, oppression and threat.
With the motto "Solidarity now" we want to sensitize, educate and encourage to stand up for exactly that. We call on you to show solidarity with those affected and to make a statement together from 11th  - 19th  July 2020 in various digital and decentralised events such as lectures, readings and musical features. For a colourful society!